Module AmpliVision.src.generators.image_generation.RuleBasedGenerator


class RuleBasedGenerator (graphs: networkx.classes.digraph.DiGraph, results: dict[dict[dict[list[int]]]], **kwargs)
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class RuleBasedGenerator:
    def __init__(self, graphs: DiGraph, results: dict[dict[dict[list[int]]]], **kwargs):
        self.components_path = f"{os.getcwd()}/AmpliVision/data/test_components"
        self.save_path = f"{os.getcwd()}/AmpliVision/data/generated_images"

        # if kwargs has jupyter bool set to True, then do different path. RBG(targets, graphs, results, jupyter=True)
        if 'jupyter' in kwargs:
            self.components_path = f"{os.getcwd()}/data/test_components" 
            self.save_path = f"{os.getcwd()}/data/generated_images"

        self.results = self.validate_results(results)
        self.graphs = self.validate_graphs(graphs)

    def validate_graphs(self, graphs):
        "TODO: graphs should all be the same. Warn user if different"
        return graphs

    def validate_results(self, results:list[str]):
        return results

    def setup(self, starting_indexes: list[tuple[int]] = None):
        # taking the first graph as they should be the same
        di_graph = self.graphs[0]

        # meant to avoid duplicate images after augmentation 
        # (rotation, flippin, etc)      
        MAX_INDEX = 9
        self.starting_indexes = [   # Index where the first block will be placed 
            (x, y)  
            for x in range(MAX_INDEX - len(di_graph.nodes))
            for y in range(ceil(MAX_INDEX/2))
        ] if starting_indexes is None else starting_indexes

        # clear the folders

        unique_labels = self.results.keys()
        print(f"unique_labels = {unique_labels}")
        self.label_mapping = {
            label: idx 
            for idx, label 
            in enumerate(sorted(unique_labels))

    def generate_for_od(
            targets: list[str], 
            noise: int = 0.05, 
            black_background: bool = False,
            rgb: bool = True,
            save: bool = False,
            contamination: float = 0.05
        # to play nice with tensorflow
            targets = [target.decode('utf-8') for target in targets]
        except AttributeError:

        #targets = self.results.keys() if targets is None else targets
        # add outlier samples
        targets_ = []
        #targets_.extend(["OUTLIER" for _ in targets]) 
        targets = targets_

        blank_images = self.generate_blank(save=False)
        # generates one image per target where blocks start in different indexes
        i = 0 # index of the target
        j = 0 # total number of images generated
        outlier_interval = int(1/contamination) +1
        while True:
            t= time.time()

            if j % outlier_interval == 0:
                target = "OUTLIER"
                i -= 1
                target = targets[i]

            rotation = random.randint(0, 3) 
            image_content = random.choice(blank_images)
            print(i,' - ', target)
            print("-"*20, "GENENERATING SINGLE" ,"-"*20)
            img = self.generate_single_image(
                image_content, target, rotation, noise, rgb, save, black_background, True
            batch_images = tf.convert_to_tensor(img[0], dtype=tf.float32)
            batch_labels = tf.convert_to_tensor(img[1], dtype=tf.float32)
            yield batch_images, batch_labels

            del batch_images, batch_labels, img, image_content
            i = 0 if i == len(targets) - 1 else i + 1
            j += 1
            print("-"*20,"SINGLE DONE in ", f"{round(time.time() - t, 2)} s","-"*20)

    def generate(
            targets: list[str] = None, 
            noise: int = 0.03, 
            black_background: bool = False,
            rotation: int = None, 
            rgb: bool = True,
            save: bool = False
        # will need to be broken into functions but the idea is:
        generate a bunch of test images with no spots 
        then pass them through phaseA/B and paint them there

        #print("-"*50, "\nRule Based Generator\n", "-"*50)

        # to play nice with tensorflow
            targets = [target.decode('utf-8') for target in targets]
        except AttributeError:

        # overriding label_mapping 
        self.label_mapping = {
            label: idx 
            for idx, label 
            in enumerate(sorted(targets))

        #targets = self.results.keys() if targets is None else targets
        # generates one image per target where blocks start in different indexes
        i = 0
        blank_images = self.generate_blank()
        while True:
            target = targets[i] #random.choice(targets)
            rotation = random.randint(0, 3)
            image_content = random.choice(blank_images) # random index choice. Room for performance optimization here
            img = self.generate_single_image(
                image_content, target, rotation, noise, rgb, save, black_background
            batch_images = tf.convert_to_tensor(img[0], dtype=tf.float32)
            batch_labels = tf.convert_to_tensor(img[1], dtype=tf.float32)
            yield batch_images, batch_labels
            i = 0 if i == len(targets)-1 else i + 1

    def generate_single_image(
            for_outlier = False,
        # PhaseA2 expects a dictionary of images
        image = dict()
        image[target] = image_content.copy()

        # get their virtual grids
        Grid = phaseA2(image, display=False)

        # paint the spots in the images
        # each image has its own gridsave
        Grid = self.paint_spots(Grid, self.results, black_background)
        grid = list(Grid.values())[0]
        img = self.add_noise(grid.img, percent=noise)

        img = self.rotate_image(img, rotation)

        # bgr to rgb
        img = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if rgb else img

        # save the painted image in all possible orientations
        self.save_augmented_images(Grid, 1, img=img) if save else None

        # one-hot encoding
        if for_outlier:
            label = 1 if target == 'OUTLIER' else 0
            one_hot_label = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(label, num_classes=2)       
            label = self.label_mapping[target]
            one_hot_label = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical(label, num_classes=len(self.label_mapping))       

        return img, one_hot_label

    def rotate_image(self, image, r):
        if r == 0:
            return image
        rotations = ['', cv.ROTATE_90_CLOCKWISE, cv.ROTATE_180, cv.ROTATE_90_COUNTERCLOCKWISE]
        return cv.rotate(image, rotations[r])

    def save_augmented_images(self, Grids, num, img=None):
        for n in range(num):
            for image_name, grid in Grids.items():
                img = grid.img if img is None else img
                noisy_img = self.add_noise(img, percent=0.05)
                cv.imwrite(f"{self.save_path}/final/{image_name}_{random.randint(0,10000)}.png", noisy_img)

    def paint_spots(self, Grids, results, black_background = False):
        for image_name, grid in Grids.items():
            target_name = str(image_name).split("_")[0]
            if black_background:
                grid.img =  np.zeros((1242,1242,3), dtype='uint8')

            # where each grid has multiple blocks
            for block in grid.get_blocks():

                # only painting test and control blocks for now
                block, _ = identify_block_in_grid(block, [])
                if block.block_type[:4] in ('test','cont'):
                    match target_name:
                        case "OUTLIER":
                            block_results =  {
                                'r': [random.randint(0,254), 0, random.randint(0,254), 0], 
                                'g': [random.randint(0,254), 0, random.randint(0,254), 0], 
                                'b': [random.randint(0,254), 0, random.randint(0,254), 0]
                        case _:
                                block_results = results[target_name][block.block_type] 
                            except KeyError:
                                raise KeyError(f"""
                                target_name = {target_name}, block_type = {block.block_type} not found in results.
                                Make sure the results csv files are in a folder named with todays date (e.g. DD-MM-YYYY)
                    # paint based on TestAnalyzer results (probed rgb values averaged across csvs)
                    ta = TestAnalyzer(block)

                    block = ta.paint_spots(block_results)

                    # "paste" the painted block back into the image


        return Grids

    def generate_blank(self, save:bool = False, target: str = None,) -> np.ndarray:   
        " Generates blank images with no spots painted on them"   
        grid_img = self.load_image('grid')  

        output = []
        for _index in self.starting_indexes:
            Grid_DS = Grid(grid_img)

            # fill blank grid with blank blocks
            self._place_unpainted_blocks(_index, Grid_DS)

            # save the blank image
            if save:
                print(f"Saving blank image {target}_{_index} to {self.save_path}/blank")
                cv.imwrite(f"{self.save_path}/blank/{target}_{_index}.png", Grid_DS.img) 


        return output
    def _place_unpainted_blocks(self, block_index, Grid_DS):
        """ Places unpainted blocks in empty grid"""
        di_graph = self.graphs[0]
        geometry = True

        for block_name in di_graph.nodes:
            # get the image of the block with transparent bkg
            block_img = self.load_image(block_name, geometry)

            # add unpainted block to the image
            img = Grid_DS.add_artificial_block(
                block_index, Grid_DS.img, block_img)
            Grid_DS.img = img

            # alternate between convex and concave blocks
            geometry = not geometry

            # move to the next position
            block_index = (block_index[0] + 1, block_index[1])

    def add_noise(self, _image, percent = 0.05):
        " Add grayscale random noise to the generated image "
        image = _image.copy()

        # Get the dimensions of the image
        height, width, channels = image.shape

        # Calculate the number of pixels to be altered (5% of total pixels)
        total_pixels = height * width
        num_noise_pixels = int(percent * total_pixels)

        # Generate random noise
        for _ in range(num_noise_pixels):
            # Pick a random pixel in the image
            y_coord = np.random.randint(0, height)
            x_coord = np.random.randint(0, width)
            # Add noise by altering the pixel value
            noise = np.random.randint(0, 256)

            # r =g = b = noise
            noise = [noise, noise, noise]

            image[y_coord, x_coord] = noise

        return image

    def load_image(self, component_name, geometry=None):
        """ Load a no bkg image from the components folder """

        # if component_name has 2 numbers, remove the second one
        if not component_name.startswith('test'):
            component_name = re.sub(r'\d+', '', component_name)

        # convex, concave, or empty
        geometry = '_cnvx' if geometry == 1 else '_cncv' if geometry == 0 else ''
        component_name = f"{component_name + geometry}".replace('__', '_')
        path = f"{self.components_path}/{component_name}.png"

        return cv.imread(path, cv.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

    def clear_folder(self, path):
        " Clear the folder at the given path "
        import os
        import shutil

        project_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../../../"))
        path = os.path.join(project_root, path)

        if os.path.exists(path):

        print( f"Folder {path} cleared.")


def add_noise(self, _image, percent=0.05)

Add grayscale random noise to the generated image

def clear_folder(self, path)

Clear the folder at the given path

def generate(self, targets: list[str] = None, noise: int = 0.03, black_background: bool = False, rotation: int = None, rgb: bool = True, save: bool = False)

generate a bunch of test images with no spots then pass them through phaseA/B and paint them there

def generate_blank(self, save: bool = False, target: str = None) ‑> numpy.ndarray

Generates blank images with no spots painted on them

def generate_for_od(self, targets: list[str], noise: int = 0.05, black_background: bool = False, rgb: bool = True, save: bool = False, contamination: float = 0.05)
def generate_single_image(self, image_content, target, rotation, noise, rgb, save, black_background, for_outlier=False)
def load_image(self, component_name, geometry=None)

Load a no bkg image from the components folder

def paint_spots(self, Grids, results, black_background=False)
def rotate_image(self, image, r)
def save_augmented_images(self, Grids, num, img=None)
def setup(self, starting_indexes: list[tuple[int]] = None)
def validate_graphs(self, graphs)

TODO: graphs should all be the same. Warn user if different

def validate_results(self, results: list[str])