Module AmpliVision.src.OD.outlier_detection
class Features
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class Features: @staticmethod def histogram(pixels, norm_type=None, timing=False, **kwargs): """Create histogram of data Returns ------- np.ndarray List of histograms """ t0 = time.time() histograms = [] # if pixels is a list of images get list of histograms for each image if isinstance(pixels, list): for i in range(len(pixels)): # if pixels is a list of SimpleNamespace use the pixels attribute if isinstance(pixels[i], SimpleNamespace): tmp_pixels = pixels[i].pixels.copy() else: # else assume pixels is a list of np.ndarray tmp_pixels = pixels[i].copy() # if normalization is specified normalize pixels before histogram if norm_type is not None: tmp_pixels = Normalize.get_norm( tmp_pixels, norm_type=norm_type, timing=timing, **kwargs )[0] # append histogram to list histograms.append(mh.fullhistogram(tmp_pixels.astype(np.uint8))) # if pixels is a single image get histogram else: tmp_pixels = pixels.copy() if norm_type is not None: tmp_pixels = Normalize.get_norm( tmp_pixels, norm_type=norm_type, timing=timing, **kwargs )[0] histograms = mh.fullhistogram(tmp_pixels.astype(np.uint8)) if timing: print("Histogram: ", time.time() - t0) return histograms @staticmethod def orb( imgs, norm_type=None, timing=False, downsample=True, return_pixel_values=True, **kwargs ): """Create ORB features of data Parameters: ---------- imgs: np.ndarray | list of np.ndarray | SimpleNamespace array of pixels norm_type : str, optional Type of normalization. The default is minmax. downsample: bool, optional Whether to downsample the image to 128x128. The default is True. return_pixel_values: bool, optional Whether to return the keypoints or pixel values. The default is True. timing: bool, optional Whether to time the function. The default is False. **kwargs : dict Additional arguments for ORB Parameters passable through kwargs: ---------- n_keypoints: int, optional Number of keypoints to be returned. The function will return the best n_keypoints according to the Harris corner response if more than n_keypoints are detected. If not, then all the detected keypoints are returned. fast_n: int, optional The n parameter in skimage.feature.corner_fast. Minimum number of consecutive pixels out of 16 pixels on the circle that should all be either brighter or darker w.r.t test-pixel. A point c on the circle is darker w.r.t test pixel p if Ic < Ip - threshold and brighter if Ic > Ip + threshold. Also stands for the n in FAST-n corner detector. fast_threshold: float, optional The threshold parameter in feature.corner_fast. Threshold used to decide whether the pixels on the circle are brighter, darker or similar w.r.t. the test pixel. Decrease the threshold when more corners are desired and vice-versa. harris_k: float, optional The k parameter in skimage.feature.corner_harris. Sensitivity factor to separate corners from edges, typically in range [0, 0.2]. Small values of k result in detection of sharp corners. downscale: float, optional Downscale factor for the image pyramid. Default value 1.2 is chosen so that there are more dense scales which enable robust scale invariance for a subsequent feature description. n_scales: int, optional Maximum number of scales from the bottom of the image pyramid to extract the features from. timing: bool, optional Whether to time the function. The default is False. Returns ------- np.ndarray | list of np.ndarray List of keypoints for each image or list of pixel values for each image if return_pixel_values is True. """ t0 = time.time() from skimage.feature import ORB n_keypoints = kwargs.get("n_keypoints", 50) fast_n = kwargs.get("fast_n", 9) fast_threshold = kwargs.get("fast_threshold", 0.08) harris_k = kwargs.get("harris_k", 0.04) downscale = kwargs.get("downscale", 1.2) n_scales = kwargs.get("n_scales", 8) output_shape = kwargs.get("output_shape", (512, 512)) pixels = Normalize.extract_pixels(imgs) if downsample: pixels = Normalize.downsample(pixels, output_shape=output_shape)[0] if norm_type is not None: pixels = Normalize.get_norm( pixels, norm_type=norm_type, timing=timing, **kwargs )[0] descriptor_extractor = ORB( n_keypoints=n_keypoints, fast_n=fast_n, fast_threshold=fast_threshold, harris_k=harris_k, downscale=downscale, n_scales=n_scales, ) keypoints = [] if isinstance(pixels, (list, np.ndarray)): for i in range(len(pixels)): descriptor_extractor.detect_and_extract(pixels[i]) keypoints.append(descriptor_extractor.keypoints) else: descriptor_extractor.detect_and_extract(pixels) keypoints.append(descriptor_extractor.keypoints) if return_pixel_values: intensities = [ Features._extract_pixel_intensity_from_keypoints( keypoints[i], pixels[i] ) for i in range(len(keypoints)) ] keypoints = intensities if timing: print("ORB: {:.2f} s".format(time.time() - t0)) return keypoints @staticmethod def sift( imgs, norm_type=None, timing=False, downsample=True, return_pixel_values=True, **kwargs ): """Create SIFT features of data Parameters: ---------- imgs : np.ndarray | list of np.ndarray | SimpleNamespace array of pixels norm_type : str, optional Type of normalization. The default is minmax. downsample : bool, optional Downsample image. The default is False. return_pixel_values : bool, optional Return pixel values. The default is True. timing : bool, optional Print timing. The default is False. **kwargs : dict Additional arguments for sift Parameters passable through kwargs: ---------- upsampling: int, optional Prior to the feature detection the image is upscaled by a factor of 1 (no upscaling), 2 or 4. Method: Bi-cubic interpolation. n_octaves: int, optional Maximum number of octaves. With every octave the image size is halved and the sigma doubled. The number of octaves will be reduced as needed to keep at least 12 pixels along each dimension at the smallest scale. n_scales: int, optional Maximum number of scales in every octave. sigma_min: float, optional The blur level of the seed image. If upsampling is enabled sigma_min is scaled by factor 1/upsampling sigma_in: float, optional The assumed blur level of the input image. c_dog: float, optional Threshold to discard low contrast extrema in the DoG. It’s final value is dependent on n_scales by the relation: final_c_dog = (2^(1/n_scales)-1) / (2^(1/3)-1) * c_dog c_edge: float, optional Threshold to discard extrema that lie in edges. If H is the Hessian of an extremum, its “edgeness” is described by tr(H)²/det(H). If the edgeness is higher than (c_edge + 1)²/c_edge, the extremum is discarded. n_bins: int, optional Number of bins in the histogram that describes the gradient orientations around keypoint. lambda_ori: float, optional The window used to find the reference orientation of a keypoint has a width of 6 * lambda_ori * sigma and is weighted by a standard deviation of 2 * lambda_ori * sigma. c_max: float, optional The threshold at which a secondary peak in the orientation histogram is accepted as orientation lambda_descr: float, optional The window used to define the descriptor of a keypoint has a width of 2 * lambda_descr * sigma * (n_hist+1)/n_hist and is weighted by a standard deviation of lambda_descr * sigma. n_hist: int, optional The window used to define the descriptor of a keypoint consists of n_hist * n_hist histograms. n_ori: int, optional The number of bins in the histograms of the descriptor patch. timing: bool, optional Whether to time the function. The default is False. Returns ------- np.ndarray | list of np.ndarray List of keypoints for each image or list of pixel values for each image if return_pixel_values is True. """ t0 = time.time() from skimage.feature import SIFT upsampling = kwargs.get("upsampling", 1) n_octaves = kwargs.get("n_octaves", 1) n_scales = kwargs.get("n_scales", 1) sigma_min = kwargs.get("sigma_min", 1.3) sigma_in = kwargs.get("sigma_in", 0.5) c_dog = kwargs.get("c_dog", 0.7) c_edge = kwargs.get("c_edge", 0.05) n_bins = kwargs.get("n_bins", 10) lambda_ori = kwargs.get("lambda_ori", 0.5) c_max = kwargs.get("c_max", 1.5) lambda_descr = kwargs.get("lambda_descr", 0.5) n_hist = kwargs.get("n_hist", 1) n_ori = kwargs.get("n_ori", 1) output_shape = kwargs.get("output_shape", (256, 256)) pixels = Normalize.extract_pixels(imgs) if downsample: pixels = Normalize.downsample(pixels, output_shape=output_shape)[0] if norm_type is not None: pixels = Normalize.get_norm( pixels, norm_type=norm_type, timing=timing, **kwargs )[0] descriptor_extractor = SIFT( upsampling=upsampling, n_octaves=n_octaves, n_scales=n_scales, sigma_min=sigma_min, sigma_in=sigma_in, c_dog=c_dog, c_edge=c_edge, n_bins=n_bins, lambda_ori=lambda_ori, c_max=c_max, lambda_descr=lambda_descr, n_hist=n_hist, n_ori=n_ori, ) keypoints = [] if isinstance(pixels, (list, np.ndarray)): for i in range(len(pixels)): descriptor_extractor.detect_and_extract(pixels[i]) keypoints.append(descriptor_extractor.keypoints) else: descriptor_extractor.detect_and_extract(pixels) keypoints.append(descriptor_extractor.keypoints) if return_pixel_values: intensities = [ Features._extract_pixel_intensity_from_keypoints( keypoints[i], pixels[i] ) for i in range(len(keypoints)) ] intensities = Features._fix_jagged_keypoint_arrays(intensities) keypoints = intensities if timing: print("SIFT: {:.2f} s".format(time.time() - t0)) return keypoints @staticmethod def downsample( images, output_shape=None, flatten=False, normalize=None, timing=False, **kwargs ): """Downsample images to a given shape. Parameters ---------- images : numpy.ndarray, list of numpy.ndarray Array of images to be downsampled output_shape : tuple Shape of the output images flatten : bool If true, the images are flattened to a 1D array normalize : str | bool If not None, the images are normalized using the given method timing : bool If true, the time needed to perform the downsampling is printed Returns ------- numpy.ndarray | list of numpy.ndarray Downsampled images """ t0 = time.time() from skimage.transform import resize if output_shape is None: output_shape = (128, 128) pixels = Normalize.extract_pixels(images) if isinstance(pixels, list): resized = [resize(img, output_shape) for img in pixels] else: resized = resize(pixels, output_shape) if flatten: resized = [img.flatten() for img in resized] if normalize is not None: resized = Normalize.get_norm( resized, norm_type=normalize, timing=timing, **kwargs )[0] if timing: print(f"downsample: {time.time() - t0}") return resized @staticmethod def _extract_pixel_intensity_from_keypoints(keypoints, img): """Extract pixel intensities from keypoints Parameters ---------- keypoints : np.ndarray array of keypoints img : np.ndarray image to extract intensities from Returns ------- np.ndarray array of pixel intensities """ intensities = [] for i in range(len(keypoints)): x = int(keypoints[i][0]) y = int(keypoints[i][1]) intensities.append(img[x, y]) return np.array(intensities) @staticmethod def _fix_jagged_keypoint_arrays(keypoints): """Normalize keypoint lengths by finding the smallest length of keypoints and then selecting a random distribution of keypoints of similar length in the rest of the keypoints. Parameters ---------- keypoints : list of np.ndarray list of keypoints Returns ------- np.ndarray array of keypoints """ min_len = min(len(kp) for kp in keypoints) new_keypoints = [] for kp in keypoints: if len(kp) > min_len: new_keypoints.append( kp[np.random.choice(len(kp), min_len, replace=False)] ) else: new_keypoints.append(kp) return np.array(new_keypoints) @staticmethod def get_features(data, feature_type="hist", norm_type=None, timing=False, **kwargs): """Get features of data Parameters ---------- data : SimpleNamespace, np.ndarray, list of np.ndarray, any array of pixels feature_type : str, optional Type of feature to extract. The default is "histogram". norm_type : str, optional Type of normalization. The default is None. timing: bool, optional Whether to time the function. The default is False. Returns ------- np.ndarray, ski.feature.FeatureDetector """ t0 = time.time() if feature_type in ["hist", "histogram"]: features = Features.histogram( data, norm_type=norm_type, timing=timing, **kwargs ) elif feature_type == "sift": rpv = kwargs.get("return_pixel_values", True) ds = kwargs.get("downsample", False) features = Features.sift( data, norm_type=norm_type, return_pixel_values=rpv, downsample=ds, timing=timing, **kwargs ) elif feature_type == "orb": rpv = kwargs.get("return_pixel_values", True) ds = kwargs.get("downsample", True) features = Features.orb( data, norm_type=norm_type, return_pixel_values=rpv, downsample=ds, timing=timing, **kwargs ) elif feature_type == "downsample": output_shape = kwargs.get("output_shape", (256, 256)) flatten = kwargs.get("flatten", True) features = Normalize.downsample( data, output_shape=output_shape, flatten=flatten, norm_type=norm_type, timing=timing, **kwargs )[0] else: raise ValueError("Feature type not supported") if timing: print("Features: ", time.time() - t0) return features @staticmethod def show_image_and_feature( image, features=None, feature_types=None, norm_type="min-max", downsample=False, output_shape=None, train_scores=None, label=None, log=False, **kwargs ): """Displays an image next to the specified features. Parameters ---------- image : SimpleNamespace array of pixel values features : list (default is None) list of features to display feature_types : list (default is 'hist') type of feature to display norm_type : str type of normalization to use, options are: 'min-max' : normalize the image using the min and max values 'max' : normalize the image using the max value 'guassian' : normalize the image using a guassian distribution 'z-score' : normalize the image using a z-score 'robost' : normalize the image using a robust distribution 'downsample' : downsample the image to 64x64 (default is 'min-max') downsample : bool (default is False) downsample the image to 64x64 or to the shape specified by output_shape output_shape : tuple (default is None) shape of the output image train_scores : list (default is None) train scores of the features label : str (default is None) label of the image log : bool (default is False) whether to log the image """ if feature_types is None: feature_types = [] pixels = Normalize.extract_pixels(image) if output_shape is not None: downsample = True # normalize the image img = Normalize.get_norm( pixels, norm_type=norm_type, downsample=downsample, output_shape=output_shape, **kwargs ) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, len(feature_types) + 1, figsize=(10, 5)) if label is not None: fig.suptitle(f"SOPInstanceUID: {image.SOPInstanceUID} Label: {label}") else: fig.suptitle(f"SOPInstanceUID: {image.SOPInstanceUID}") # add extra width between plots fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4) ax[0].imshow(img, cmap="gray") # ax[0].set_title(image.SOPInstanceUID, size=8-len(feature_types)) if "sift" in feature_types: idx = feature_types.index("sift") + 1 if features is None: kp = Features.sift(img) keypoints = kp.keypoints else: keypoints = features[idx - 1] ax[idx].imshow(img) x_points = keypoints[:, 1] y_points = keypoints[:, 0] ax[idx].scatter(x_points, y_points, facecolors="none", edgecolors="r") label = Features._get_train_score("sift", feature_types, train_scores) ax[idx].set_title(label, size=8) if "orb" in feature_types: idx = feature_types.index("orb") + 1 if features is None: kp = Features.orb(img) keypoints = kp.keypoints else: keypoints = features[idx - 1] keypoints = keypoints[0].astype(int) img_ds = Normalize.downsample(img) ax[idx].imshow(img_ds[0]) x_points = keypoints[:, 1] y_points = keypoints[:, 0] ax[idx].scatter(x_points, y_points, facecolors="none", edgecolors="r") label = Features._get_train_score("orb", feature_types, train_scores) ax[idx].set_title(label, size=8) if "hist" in feature_types or "histogram" in feature_types: idx = feature_types.index("hist") + 1 if features is None: y_axis = Features.histogram(img) idx = feature_types.index("hist") + 1 y_axis = Features.histogram(img) if len(y_axis) < 256: y_axis = np.append(y_axis, np.zeros(256 - len(y_axis))) x_axis = np.arange(0, 256, 1) ax[idx].set_ylim(0, 1) ax[idx].bar(x_axis, y_axis, color="b", log=True, width=10) ax[idx].set_xlim(0.01, 255) ax[idx].set_ylim(0.01, 10**8) else: y_axis = features[idx - 1] print(y_axis) ax[idx].set_ylim(0, np.max(y_axis)) ax[idx].bar(np.arange(0, len(y_axis)), y_axis, log=log) label = Features._get_train_score("hist", feature_types, train_scores) ax[idx].set_title(label, size=8) if "downsample" in feature_types: idx = feature_types.index("downsample") + 1 img_ds = Normalize.downsample(img) if features is None else features[idx - 1] ax[idx].imshow(img_ds[0], cmap="gray") label = Features._get_train_score("downsample", feature_types, train_scores) ax[idx].set_title(label, size=8) @staticmethod def view_image_and_features( images, feature_types=None, norm_type="min-max", train_scores=None ): """Displays an image next to its histogram. Parameters ---------- images : list list of SimpleNamespace feature_types : list (default is 'hist') type of feature to display feature_labels : list (default is 'Histogram') label of the feature norm_type : str type of normalization to use, options are: 'min-max' : normalize the image using the min and max values 'max' : normalize the image using the max value 'guassian' : normalize the image using a guassian distribution 'z-score' : normalize the image using a z-score 'robost' : normalize the image using a robust distribution (default is 'min-max') train_scores : list of lists (default is None) train scores of the features """ # add the images and train scores a image list if feature_types is None: feature_types = [] images_list = [] for i in range(len(images)): ds = SimpleNamespace() ds.image = images[i] ds.train_scores = train_scores[i] images_list.append(ds) # loop over the images and use the show image and feature function for i in range(len(images)): ds = images_list[i] Features.show_image_and_feature( ds.image, feature_types=feature_types, norm_type=norm_type, train_scores=ds.train_scores, ) @staticmethod def _get_train_score(feature, feature_types, train_scores): """Get train scores of features Parameters ---------- feature : str feature to get train scores of feature_types : list type of features to display train_scores : list (default is None) train scores of the feature Returns ------- list train scores of the features """ if train_scores is None: return feature if len(train_scores) == 1: return str(train_scores[0]) else: return str(train_scores[feature_types.index(feature)])
Static methods
def downsample(images, output_shape=None, flatten=False, normalize=None, timing=False, **kwargs)
Downsample images to a given shape. Parameters
:numpy.ndarray, list
- Array of images to be downsampled
- Shape of the output images
- If true, the images are flattened to a 1D array
:str | bool
- If not None, the images are normalized using the given method
- If true, the time needed to perform the downsampling is printed
numpy.ndarray | list
- Downsampled images
def get_features(data, feature_type='hist', norm_type=None, timing=False, **kwargs)
Get features of data Parameters
:SimpleNamespace, np.ndarray, list
ofnp.ndarray, any
- array of pixels
, optional- Type of feature to extract. The default is "histogram".
, optional- Type of normalization. The default is None.
, optional- Whether to time the function. The default is False.
np.ndarray, ski.feature.FeatureDetector
def histogram(pixels, norm_type=None, timing=False, **kwargs)
Create histogram of data Returns
- List of histograms
def orb(imgs, norm_type=None, timing=False, downsample=True, return_pixel_values=True, **kwargs)
Create ORB features of data Parameters:
imgs: np.ndarray | list of np.ndarray | SimpleNamespace array of pixels norm_type : str, optional Type of normalization. The default is minmax. downsample: bool, optional Whether to downsample the image to 128x128. The default is True. return_pixel_values: bool, optional Whether to return the keypoints or pixel values. The default is True. timing: bool, optional Whether to time the function. The default is False. **kwargs : dict Additional arguments for ORB Parameters passable through kwargs:
n_keypoints: int, optional Number of keypoints to be returned. The function will return the best n_keypoints according to the Harris corner response if more than n_keypoints are detected. If not, then all the detected keypoints are returned. fast_n: int, optional The n parameter in skimage.feature.corner_fast. Minimum number of consecutive pixels out of 16 pixels on the circle that should all be either brighter or darker w.r.t test-pixel. A point c on the circle is darker w.r.t test pixel p if Ic < Ip - threshold and brighter if Ic > Ip + threshold. Also stands for the n in FAST-n corner detector. fast_threshold: float, optional The threshold parameter in feature.corner_fast. Threshold used to decide whether the pixels on the circle are brighter, darker or similar w.r.t. the test pixel. Decrease the threshold when more corners are desired and vice-versa. harris_k: float, optional The k parameter in skimage.feature.corner_harris. Sensitivity factor to separate corners from edges, typically in range [0, 0.2]. Small values of k result in detection of sharp corners. downscale: float, optional Downscale factor for the image pyramid. Default value 1.2 is chosen so that there are more dense scales which enable robust scale invariance for a subsequent feature description. n_scales: int, optional Maximum number of scales from the bottom of the image pyramid to extract the features from. timing: bool, optional Whether to time the function. The default is False. Returns
np.ndarray | list
- List of keypoints for each image or list of pixel values for each image if return_pixel_values is True.
def show_image_and_feature(image, features=None, feature_types=None, norm_type='min-max', downsample=False, output_shape=None, train_scores=None, label=None, log=False, **kwargs)
Displays an image next to the specified features. Parameters
- array of pixel values
- (default is None) list of features to display
- (default is 'hist') type of feature to display
- type of normalization to use, options are: 'min-max' : normalize the image using the min and max values 'max' : normalize the image using the max value 'guassian' : normalize the image using a guassian distribution 'z-score' : normalize the image using a z-score 'robost' : normalize the image using a robust distribution 'downsample' : downsample the image to 64x64 (default is 'min-max')
- (default is False) downsample the image to 64x64 or to the shape specified by output_shape
- (default is None) shape of the output image
- (default is None) train scores of the features
- (default is None) label of the image
- (default is False) whether to log the image
def sift(imgs, norm_type=None, timing=False, downsample=True, return_pixel_values=True, **kwargs)
Create SIFT features of data Parameters:
imgs : np.ndarray | list of np.ndarray | SimpleNamespace array of pixels norm_type : str, optional Type of normalization. The default is minmax. downsample : bool, optional Downsample image. The default is False. return_pixel_values : bool, optional Return pixel values. The default is True. timing : bool, optional Print timing. The default is False. **kwargs : dict Additional arguments for sift Parameters passable through kwargs:
upsampling: int, optional Prior to the feature detection the image is upscaled by a factor of 1 (no upscaling), 2 or 4. Method: Bi-cubic interpolation. n_octaves: int, optional Maximum number of octaves. With every octave the image size is halved and the sigma doubled. The number of octaves will be reduced as needed to keep at least 12 pixels along each dimension at the smallest scale. n_scales: int, optional Maximum number of scales in every octave. sigma_min: float, optional The blur level of the seed image. If upsampling is enabled sigma_min is scaled by factor 1/upsampling sigma_in: float, optional The assumed blur level of the input image. c_dog: float, optional Threshold to discard low contrast extrema in the DoG. It’s final value is dependent on n_scales by the relation: final_c_dog = (2^(1/n_scales)-1) / (2^(1/3)-1) * c_dog c_edge: float, optional Threshold to discard extrema that lie in edges. If H is the Hessian of an extremum, its “edgeness” is described by tr(H)²/det(H). If the edgeness is higher than (c_edge + 1)²/c_edge, the extremum is discarded. n_bins: int, optional Number of bins in the histogram that describes the gradient orientations around keypoint. lambda_ori: float, optional The window used to find the reference orientation of a keypoint has a width of 6 * lambda_ori * sigma and is weighted by a standard deviation of 2 * lambda_ori * sigma. c_max: float, optional The threshold at which a secondary peak in the orientation histogram is accepted as orientation lambda_descr: float, optional The window used to define the descriptor of a keypoint has a width of 2 * lambda_descr * sigma * (n_hist+1)/n_hist and is weighted by a standard deviation of lambda_descr * sigma. n_hist: int, optional The window used to define the descriptor of a keypoint consists of n_hist * n_hist histograms. n_ori: int, optional The number of bins in the histograms of the descriptor patch. timing: bool, optional Whether to time the function. The default is False. Returns
np.ndarray | list
- List of keypoints for each image or list of pixel values for each image if return_pixel_values is True.
def view_image_and_features(images, feature_types=None, norm_type='min-max', train_scores=None)
Displays an image next to its histogram. Parameters
- list of SimpleNamespace
- (default is 'hist') type of feature to display
- (default is 'Histogram') label of the feature
- type of normalization to use, options are: 'min-max' : normalize the image using the min and max values 'max' : normalize the image using the max value 'guassian' : normalize the image using a guassian distribution 'z-score' : normalize the image using a z-score 'robost' : normalize the image using a robust distribution (default is 'min-max')
- (default is None) train scores of the features
class Normalize
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class Normalize: @staticmethod def extract_pixels(images, timing=False): """Extract pixels from images Parameters ---------- images : numpy.ndarray | list of numpy.ndarray Array of images to be normalized timing : bool, optional If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed. The default is False. """ t0 = time.time() pixels = [] if isinstance(images, list): if isinstance(images[0], np.ndarray): return images elif isinstance(images[0], types.SimpleNamespace): pixels.extend(image.pixels for image in images) elif isinstance(images[0], dicom.dataset.FileDataset): pixels.extend(image.pixel_array for image in images) else: raise TypeError("Unknown type of images") elif isinstance(images, np.ndarray): pixels = images # was returning this as list before elif isinstance(images, types.SimpleNamespace): pixels = images.pixels else: raise TypeError("Unknown type of images") if timing: print(f"Extract pixels: {time.time() - t0}") return pixels @staticmethod def _minmax_helper(pixels, **kwargs): """Helper function to normalize data using minmax method""" bins = kwargs.get("bins", 256) max_val = np.max(pixels) min_val = np.min(pixels) normalized_pixels = pixels.astype(np.float32).copy() normalized_pixels -= min_val normalized_pixels /= max_val - min_val normalized_pixels *= bins - 1 return normalized_pixels @staticmethod def minmax(pixels, timing=False, **kwargs): """The min-max approach (often called normalization) rescales the feature to a fixed range of [0,1] by subtracting the minimum value of the feature and then dividing by the range, which is then multiplied by 255 to bring the value into the range [0,255]. Parameters ---------- pixels : numpy.ndarray | list of numpy.ndarray Array of pixels to be normalized timing : bool If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Normalized pixels """ t0 = time.time() if isinstance(pixels, list): normalized_pixels = [Normalize._minmax_helper(p, **kwargs) for p in pixels] else: normalized_pixels = Normalize._minmax_helper(pixels, **kwargs) if timing: print(f"minmax: {time.time() - t0}") return normalized_pixels, None @staticmethod def _max_helper(pixels, **kwargs): """Helper function to normalize data using max method""" bins = kwargs.get("bins", 256) max_val = np.max(pixels) normalized_pixels = pixels.astype(np.float32).copy() normalized_pixels /= abs(max_val) normalized_pixels *= bins - 1 return normalized_pixels @staticmethod def max(pixels, timing=False, **kwargs): """The maximum absolute scaling rescales each feature between -1 and 1 by dividing every observation by its maximum absolute value. Parameters ---------- pixels : numpy.ndarray | list of numpy.ndarray Array of pixels to be normalized downsample : bool If true, the image is downsampled to a smaller size output_shape : tuple of int The shape of the output image if downsampling is used timing : bool If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Normalized pixels """ t0 = time.time() temp_pixels = pixels if isinstance(temp_pixels, list): normalized_pixels = [Normalize._max_helper(p, **kwargs) for p in temp_pixels] else: normalized_pixels = Normalize._max_helper(temp_pixels, **kwargs) if timing: print(f"max: {time.time() - t0}") return normalized_pixels, None @staticmethod def _gaussian_helper(pixels, **kwargs): """Helper function to normalize data using gaussian blur""" sigma = kwargs.get("sigma", 20) normalized_pixels = mh.gaussian_filter(pixels, sigma=sigma) normalized_pixels /= normalized_pixels.max() return normalized_pixels @staticmethod def gaussian(pixels, timing=False, **kwargs): """Normalize by gaussian Parameters ---------- pixels : numpy.ndarray | list of numpy.ndarray Array of pixels to be normalized downsample : bool If true, the image is downsampled to a smaller size output_shape : tuple of int The shape of the output image if downsampling is used timing : bool If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Normalized pixels """ t0 = time.time() temp_pixels = pixels bins = kwargs.get("bins", 256) if isinstance(temp_pixels, list): filtered = [Normalize._gaussian_helper(p, **kwargs) for p in temp_pixels] else: filtered = Normalize._gaussian_helper(temp_pixels, **kwargs) normalized_pixels = filtered.copy() normalized_pixels *= bins - 1 if timing: print(f"gaussian: {time.time() - t0}") return normalized_pixels, filtered @staticmethod def _zscore_helper(pixels, **kwargs): """Helper function to normalize data using zscore method""" bins = kwargs.get("bins", 255) normalized_pixels = pixels.astype(np.float32).copy() normalized_pixels -= np.mean(normalized_pixels) normalized_pixels /= np.std(normalized_pixels) normalized_pixels *= bins return normalized_pixels @staticmethod def z_score(pixels, timing=False, **kwargs): """The z-score method (often called standardization) transforms the data into a distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Each standardized value is computed by subtracting the mean of the corresponding feature and then dividing by the standard deviation. Parameters ---------- pixels : numpy.ndarray | list of numpy.ndarray Array of pixels to be normalized downsample : bool If true, the image is downsampled to a smaller size output_shape : tuple of int The shape of the output image if downsampling is used timing : bool If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Normalized pixels """ t0 = time.time() temp_pixels = pixels if isinstance(temp_pixels, list): normalized_pixels = [ Normalize._zscore_helper(p, **kwargs) for p in temp_pixels ] else: normalized_pixels = Normalize._zscore_helper(temp_pixels, **kwargs) if timing: print(f"zscore: {time.time() - t0}") return normalized_pixels, None @staticmethod def _robust_helper(pixels, **kwargs): """ Robust Scalar transforms x to x’ by subtracting each value of features by the median and dividing it by the interquartile range between the 1st quartile (25th quantile) and the 3rd quartile (75th quantile). """ bins = kwargs.get("bins", 256) normalized_pixels = pixels.astype(np.float32).copy() normalized_pixels -= np.median(normalized_pixels) normalized_pixels /= np.percentile(normalized_pixels, 75) - np.percentile( normalized_pixels, 25 ) normalized_pixels *= bins - 1 return normalized_pixels @staticmethod def robust(pixels, timing=False, **kwargs): """In robust scaling, we scale each feature of the data set by subtracting the median and then dividing by the interquartile range. The interquartile range (IQR) is defined as the difference between the third and the first quartile and represents the central 50% of the data. Parameters ---------- pixels : numpy.ndarray | list of numpy.ndarray Array of pixels to be normalized downsample : bool If true, the image is downsampled to a smaller size output_shape : tuple of int The shape of the output image if downsampling is used timing : bool If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Normalized pixels """ t0 = time.time() temp_pixels = pixels if isinstance(temp_pixels, list): normalized_pixels = [ Normalize._robust_helper(p, **kwargs) for p in temp_pixels ] else: normalized_pixels = Normalize._robust_helper(temp_pixels, **kwargs) if timing: print(f"robust: {time.time() - t0}") return normalized_pixels, None @staticmethod def downsample( images, output_shape=None, flatten=False, normalize=None, timing=False, **kwargs ): """Downsample images to a given shape. Parameters ---------- images : numpy.ndarray, list of numpy.ndarray Array of images to be downsampled output_shape : tuple Shape of the output images flatten : bool If true, the images are flattened to a 1D array normalize : str The type of normalization to perform on the images timing : bool If true, the time needed to perform the downsampling is printed Returns ------- numpy.ndarray | list of numpy.ndarray Downsampled images """ t0 = time.time() from skimage.transform import resize if output_shape is None: output_shape = (256, 256) images_copy = Normalize.extract_pixels(images) if isinstance(images_copy, list): resized = [] for img in images_copy: if flatten: resized.append(np.array(resize(img, output_shape)).reshape(-1)) else: resized.append(np.array(resize(img, output_shape))) if timing: print(f"downsample: {time.time() - t0}") elif flatten: resized = np.array(resize(images_copy, output_shape)).reshape(-1) else: resized = np.array(resize(images_copy, output_shape)) if normalize is not None: if isinstance(normalize, bool): normalize = "minmax" if isinstance(resized, list): for i in range(len(resized)): resized[i] = Normalize.get_norm(resized[i], normalize)[0] else: resized = Normalize.get_norm(resized, normalize)[0] if timing: print(f"downsample: {time.time() - t0}") return np.asarray(resized), None @staticmethod def get_norm(pixels, norm_type, timing=False, **kwargs): """Normalize pixels Parameters ---------- pixels : numpy.ndarray | list of numpy.ndarray Array of pixels to be normalized norm_type : str Type of normalization. The default is 'min-max'. options -> attributes possible: 'min-max', 'max', 'gaussian', 'z-score', 'robust', 'downsample' -> output_shape timing : bool, optional If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed. The default is False. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Normalized pixels """ t0 = time.time() pixels = Normalize.extract_pixels(pixels) if norm_type.lower() == "max": normalized, filtered = Normalize.max(pixels, timing, **kwargs) elif norm_type.lower() in ["minmax", "min-max"]: normalized, filtered = Normalize.minmax(pixels, timing, **kwargs) elif norm_type.lower() == "gaussian": normalized, filtered = Normalize.gaussian(pixels, timing, **kwargs) elif norm_type.lower() in ["zscore", "z-score"]: normalized, filtered = Normalize.z_score(pixels, timing, **kwargs) elif norm_type.lower() == "robust": output_shape = kwargs.get("output_shape", (256, 256)) normalized, filtered = Normalize.robust(pixels, timing, **kwargs) elif norm_type.lower() == "downsample": output_shape = kwargs.get("output_shape", (256, 256)) flatten = kwargs.get("flatten", True) normalized, filtered = Normalize.downsample( pixels, output_shape=output_shape, flatten=flatten, normalize=norm_type, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid normalization type") if timing: print(f"get_norm: {time.time() - t0}") return normalized, filtered
Static methods
def downsample(images, output_shape=None, flatten=False, normalize=None, timing=False, **kwargs)
Downsample images to a given shape. Parameters
:numpy.ndarray, list
- Array of images to be downsampled
- Shape of the output images
- If true, the images are flattened to a 1D array
- The type of normalization to perform on the images
- If true, the time needed to perform the downsampling is printed
numpy.ndarray | list
- Downsampled images
def extract_pixels(images, timing=False)
Extract pixels from images Parameters
:numpy.ndarray | list
- Array of images to be normalized
, optional- If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed. The default is False.
def gaussian(pixels, timing=False, **kwargs)
Normalize by gaussian Parameters
:numpy.ndarray | list
- Array of pixels to be normalized
- If true, the image is downsampled to a smaller size
- The shape of the output image if downsampling is used
- If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed
- Normalized pixels
def get_norm(pixels, norm_type, timing=False, **kwargs)
Normalize pixels Parameters
:numpy.ndarray | list
- Array of pixels to be normalized
- Type of normalization. The default is 'min-max'. options -> attributes possible: 'min-max', 'max', 'gaussian', 'z-score', 'robust', 'downsample' -> output_shape
, optional- If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed. The default is False.
- Normalized pixels
def max(pixels, timing=False, **kwargs)
The maximum absolute scaling rescales each feature between -1 and 1 by dividing every observation by its maximum absolute value. Parameters
:numpy.ndarray | list
- Array of pixels to be normalized
- If true, the image is downsampled to a smaller size
- The shape of the output image if downsampling is used
- If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed
- Normalized pixels
def minmax(pixels, timing=False, **kwargs)
The min-max approach (often called normalization) rescales the feature to a fixed range of [0,1] by subtracting the minimum value of the feature and then dividing by the range, which is then multiplied by 255 to bring the value into the range [0,255]. Parameters
:numpy.ndarray | list
- Array of pixels to be normalized
- If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed
- Normalized pixels
def robust(pixels, timing=False, **kwargs)
In robust scaling, we scale each feature of the data set by subtracting the median and then dividing by the interquartile range. The interquartile range (IQR) is defined as the difference between the third and the first quartile and represents the central 50% of the data. Parameters
:numpy.ndarray | list
- Array of pixels to be normalized
- If true, the image is downsampled to a smaller size
- The shape of the output image if downsampling is used
- If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed
- Normalized pixels
def z_score(pixels, timing=False, **kwargs)
The z-score method (often called standardization) transforms the data into a distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Each standardized value is computed by subtracting the mean of the corresponding feature and then dividing by the standard deviation. Parameters
:numpy.ndarray | list
- Array of pixels to be normalized
- If true, the image is downsampled to a smaller size
- The shape of the output image if downsampling is used
- If true, the time needed to perform the normalization is printed
- Normalized pixels
class OutlierDetector (run_id, algorithms=None, data=None, features=None, bad_ids=None, number_bad=None, exclude=None, timing=False, **kwargs)
Expand source code
class OutlierDetector(): def __init__( self, run_id, algorithms=None, data=None, features=None, bad_ids=None, number_bad=None, exclude=None, timing=False, **kwargs, ): data_x = data[0] # imgs or vectors data_y = data[1] # labels t0 = time.time() self.__run_id = run_id self.__algorithms = ALGORITHMS if algorithms is None else algorithms self.__bad_ids = bad_ids if bad_ids is not None else BAD_IMAGE_ID_PATH self.__number_bad = number_bad if number_bad is not None else None self.__exclude = exclude if exclude is not None else [] # run the outlier detection algorithms accuracy_scores = {} errors = {} cache_key = "" t0 = time.time() verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False) for alg in self.__algorithms: if alg not in self.__exclude: print("-"*20, f" Running {alg} ", "-"*20) t_scores, t_labels = self._detect_outliers( data_x, data_y, pyod_algorithm=alg, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ) #print(f"{alg} t_scores: {t_scores} t_labels: {t_labels}") print("-"*20, f" {alg} DONE ", "-"*20) accuracy_scores = dict( sorted(accuracy_scores.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True) ) @staticmethod def _detect_outliers(features, labels, pyod_algorithm, **kwargs): """Detect outliers using PyOD algorithm. Default algorithm is HBOS. See PYOD documentation to see which arguments are available for each algorithm and to get description of each algorithm and how the arguments work with each algorithm. link: """ # split data into training and testing x_train, x_test = train_test_split( features, test_size=0.2, random_state=42 ) return_decision_function = kwargs.get("return_decision_function", False) # make sure data_x is a 2d array and not a 1d array or 3D array def reshape(data_x): if isinstance(data_x, np.ndarray): if len(data_x.shape) == 1: data_x = data_x.reshape(-1, 1) elif len(data_x.shape) == 3: data_x = data_x.reshape(data_x.shape[0], -1) elif isinstance(data_x, list): for i in range(len(data_x)): if len(data_x[i]) == 1: data_x[i] = np.pad(data_x[i], (0, len(data_x[0]) - 1), "constant") if len(data_x[i]) == 3: data_x[i] = np.pad(data_x[i], (0, len(data_x[0]) - 3), "constant") data_x = np.array(data_x) return data_x match pyod_algorithm: case "ECOD": if DEBUG: print("In ECOD algorithm") from pyod.models.ecod import ECOD n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", 1) contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) clf = ECOD(n_jobs=n_jobs, contamination=contamination) case "LOF": if DEBUG: print("In LOF algorithm") from pyod.models.lof import LOF if "LOF" in kwargs: clf = LOF(**kwargs["LOF"]) else: n_neighbors = kwargs.get("n_neighbors", 20) algorithm = kwargs.get("algorithm", "auto") leaf_size = kwargs.get("leaf_size", 30) metric = kwargs.get("metric", "minkowski") p = kwargs.get("p", 2) novelty = kwargs.get("novelty", True) n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", 1) contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) metric_params = kwargs.get("metric_params", None) clf = LOF( n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm=algorithm, leaf_size=leaf_size, metric=metric, p=p, metric_params=metric_params, contamination=contamination, n_jobs=n_jobs, novelty=novelty, ) case "OCSVM": if DEBUG: print("In OCSVM algorithm") from pyod.models.ocsvm import OCSVM if "OCSVM" in kwargs: clf = OCSVM(**kwargs["OCSVM"]) else: kernel = kwargs.get("kernel", "rbf") degree = kwargs.get("degree", 3) gamma = kwargs.get("gamma", "auto") coef0 = kwargs.get("coef0", 0.0) tol = kwargs.get("tol", 1e-3) nu = kwargs.get("nu", 0.5) shrinking = kwargs.get("shrinking", True) cache_size = kwargs.get("cache_size", 200) verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False) max_iter = kwargs.get("max_iter", -1) contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) clf = OCSVM( kernel=kernel, degree=degree, gamma=gamma, coef0=coef0, tol=tol, nu=nu, shrinking=shrinking, cache_size=cache_size, verbose=verbose, max_iter=max_iter, contamination=contamination, ) case "IForest": if DEBUG: print("In IForest algorithm") from pyod.models.iforest import IForest if "IForest" in kwargs: clf = IForest(**kwargs["IForest"]) else: n_estimators = kwargs.get("n_estimators", 100) max_samples = kwargs.get("max_samples", "auto") contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) max_features = kwargs.get("max_features", 1.0) bootstrap = kwargs.get("bootstrap", False) # had this as True n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", 1) behaviour = kwargs.get("behaviour", "old") verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", 0) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) if DEBUG: print("n_estimators: ", n_estimators) print("max_samples: ", max_samples) print("contamination: ", contamination) print("max_features: ", max_features) print("bootstrap: ", bootstrap) print("n_jobs: ", n_jobs) print("behaviour: ", behaviour) print("verbose: ", verbose) print("random_state: ", random_state) clf = IForest( n_estimators=n_estimators, max_samples=max_samples, contamination=contamination, max_features=max_features, bootstrap=bootstrap, n_jobs=n_jobs, behaviour=behaviour, random_state=random_state, verbose=verbose, ) case "CBLOF": if DEBUG: print("In CBLOF algorithm") from pyod.models.cblof import CBLOF if "CBLOF" in kwargs: clf = CBLOF(**kwargs["CBLOF"]) else: n_clusters = kwargs.get("n_clusters", 8) contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", 0.9) beta = kwargs.get("beta", 5) use_weights = kwargs.get("use_weights", False) check_estimator = kwargs.get("check_estimator", False) n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", 1) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) clustering_estimator = kwargs.get("clustering_estimator", None) clf = CBLOF( n_clusters=n_clusters, contamination=contamination, clustering_estimator=clustering_estimator, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, use_weights=use_weights, check_estimator=check_estimator, random_state=random_state, n_jobs=n_jobs, ) case "COPOD": if DEBUG: print("In COPOD algorithm") from pyod.models.copod import COPOD if "COPOD" in kwargs: clf = COPOD(**kwargs["COPOD"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", 1) clf = COPOD(contamination=contamination, n_jobs=n_jobs) case "MCD": if DEBUG: print("In MCD algorithm") from import MCD if "MCD" in kwargs: clf = MCD(**kwargs["MCD"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) store_precision = kwargs.get("store_precision", True) assume_centered = kwargs.get("assume_centered", False) support_fraction = kwargs.get("support_fraction", None) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) clf = MCD( contamination=contamination, store_precision=store_precision, assume_centered=assume_centered, support_fraction=support_fraction, random_state=random_state, ) case "SOS": if DEBUG: print("In SOS algorithm") from pyod.models.sos import SOS if "SOS" in kwargs: clf = SOS(**kwargs["SOS"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) perplexity = kwargs.get("perplexity", 4.5) metric = kwargs.get("metric", "euclidean") eps = kwargs.get("eps", 1e-5) if DEBUG: print("contamination: ", contamination) clf = SOS( contamination=contamination, perplexity=perplexity, metric=metric, eps=eps, ) case "KDE": if DEBUG: print("In KDE algorithm") from pyod.models.kde import KDE if "KDE" in kwargs: clf = KDE(**kwargs["KDE"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) bandwidth = kwargs.get("bandwidth", 1.0) algorithm = kwargs.get("algorithm", "auto") leaf_size = kwargs.get("leaf_size", 30) metric = kwargs.get("metric", "minkowski") metric_params = kwargs.get("metric_params", None) clf = KDE( contamination=contamination, bandwidth=bandwidth, algorithm=algorithm, leaf_size=leaf_size, metric=metric, metric_params=metric_params, ) case "Sampling": if DEBUG: print("In Sampling algorithm") from pyod.models.sampling import Sampling if "Sampling" in kwargs: clf = Sampling(**kwargs["Sampling"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) subset_size = kwargs.get("subset_size", 20) metric = kwargs.get("metric", "minkowski") random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) metric_params = kwargs.get("metric_params", None) print(f"random_state: {random_state}") clf = Sampling( contamination=contamination, subset_size=subset_size, metric=metric, metric_params=metric_params, random_state=random_state, ) case "GMM": if DEBUG: print("In GMM algorithm") from pyod.models.gmm import GMM if "GMM" in kwargs: clf = GMM(**kwargs["GMM"]) else: n_components = kwargs.get("n_components", 1) covariance_type = kwargs.get("covariance_type", "full") tol = kwargs.get("tol", 1e-3) reg_covar = kwargs.get("reg_covar", 1e-6) max_iter = kwargs.get("max_iter", 100) n_init = kwargs.get("n_init", 1) init_params = kwargs.get("init_params", "kmeans") contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) weights_init = kwargs.get("weights_init", None) warm_start = kwargs.get( "warm_start", False ) # warm start was None not False random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) precisions_init = kwargs.get("precisions_init", None) means_init = kwargs.get("means_init", None) clf = GMM( n_components=n_components, covariance_type=covariance_type, tol=tol, reg_covar=reg_covar, max_iter=max_iter, n_init=n_init, init_params=init_params, contamination=contamination, weights_init=weights_init, means_init=means_init, precisions_init=precisions_init, random_state=random_state, warm_start=warm_start, ) case "PCA": if DEBUG: print("In PCA algorithm") from pyod.models.pca import PCA if "PCA" in kwargs: clf = PCA(**kwargs["PCA"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) copy = kwargs.get("copy", True) whiten = kwargs.get("whiten", False) svd_solver = kwargs.get("svd_solver", "auto") tol = kwargs.get("tol", 0.0) iterated_power = kwargs.get("iterated_power", "auto") weighted = kwargs.get("weighted", True) standardization = kwargs.get("standardization", True) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) n_selected_components = kwargs.get("n_selected_components", None) n_components = kwargs.get("n_components", None) clf = PCA( n_components=n_components, n_selected_components=n_selected_components, contamination=contamination, copy=copy, whiten=whiten, svd_solver=svd_solver, tol=tol, iterated_power=iterated_power, random_state=random_state, weighted=weighted, standardization=standardization, ) case "LMDD": if DEBUG: print("In LMDD algorithm") from pyod.models.lmdd import LMDD if "LMDD" in kwargs: clf = LMDD(**kwargs["LMDD"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) n_iter = kwargs.get("n_iter", 50) dis_measure = kwargs.get("dis_measure", "aad") random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) clf = LMDD( contamination=contamination, n_iter=n_iter, dis_measure=dis_measure, random_state=random_state, ) case "COF": if DEBUG: print("In COF algorithm") from pyod.models.cof import COF if "COF" in kwargs: clf = COF(**kwargs["COF"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) n_neighbors = kwargs.get("n_neighbors", 20) method = kwargs.get("method", "fast") clf = COF( contamination=contamination, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, method=method ) case "HBOS": if DEBUG: print("In HBOS algorithm") from pyod.models.hbos import HBOS if "HBOS" in kwargs: clf = HBOS(**kwargs["HBOS"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) n_bins = kwargs.get("n_bins", 10) alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", 0.1) tol = kwargs.get("tol", 0.5) clf = HBOS( contamination=contamination, n_bins=n_bins, alpha=alpha, tol=tol ) case "KNN": if DEBUG: print("In KNN algorithm") from pyod.models.knn import KNN # look if kwargs["KNN"] is a dictionary value and if so use it if "KNN" in kwargs: clf = KNN(**kwargs["KNN"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) n_neighbors = kwargs.get("n_neighbors", 5) method = kwargs.get("method", "largest") radius = kwargs.get("radius", 1.0) algorithm = kwargs.get("algorithm", "auto") leaf_size = kwargs.get("leaf_size", 30) metric = kwargs.get("metric", "minkowski") p = kwargs.get("p", 2) n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", 1) metric_params = kwargs.get("metric_params", None) clf = KNN( contamination=contamination, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, method=method, radius=radius, algorithm=algorithm, leaf_size=leaf_size, metric=metric, p=p, metric_params=metric_params, n_jobs=n_jobs, ) case "AvgKNN": if DEBUG: print("In AvgKNN algorithm") from pyod.models.knn import KNN if "AvgKNN" in kwargs: clf = KNN(**kwargs["AvgKNN"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) n_neighbors = kwargs.get("n_neighbors", 5) method = kwargs.get("method", "mean") radius = kwargs.get("radius", 1.0) algorithm = kwargs.get("algorithm", "auto") leaf_size = kwargs.get("leaf_size", 30) metric = kwargs.get("metric", "minkowski") p = kwargs.get("p", 2) n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", 1) metric_params = kwargs.get("metric_params", None) clf = KNN( contamination=contamination, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, method=method, radius=radius, algorithm=algorithm, leaf_size=leaf_size, metric=metric, p=p, metric_params=metric_params, n_jobs=n_jobs, ) case "MedKNN": if DEBUG: print("In MedKNN algorithm") from pyod.models.knn import KNN if "MedKNN" in kwargs: clf = KNN(**kwargs["MedKNN"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) n_neighbors = kwargs.get("n_neighbors", 5) method = kwargs.get("method", "median") radius = kwargs.get("radius", 1.0) algorithm = kwargs.get("algorithm", "auto") leaf_size = kwargs.get("leaf_size", 30) metric = kwargs.get("metric", "minkowski") p = kwargs.get("p", 2) n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", 1) metric_params = kwargs.get("metric_params", None) clf = KNN( contamination=contamination, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, method=method, radius=radius, algorithm=algorithm, leaf_size=leaf_size, metric=metric, p=p, metric_params=metric_params, n_jobs=n_jobs, ) case "SOD": if DEBUG: print("In SOD algorithm") from pyod.models.sod import SOD if "SOD" in kwargs: clf = SOD(**kwargs["SOD"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) n_neighbors = kwargs.get("n_neighbors", 20) ref_set = kwargs.get("ref_set", 10) if ref_set >= n_neighbors: ref_set = n_neighbors - 1 alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", 0.8) clf = SOD( contamination=contamination, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, ref_set=ref_set, alpha=alpha, ) case "ROD": if DEBUG: print("In ROD algorithm") from pyod.models.rod import ROD if "ROD" in kwargs: clf = ROD(**kwargs["ROD"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) parallel_execution = kwargs.get("parallel_execution", False) clf = ROD( contamination=contamination, parallel_execution=parallel_execution ) case "INNE": if DEBUG: print("In INNE algorithm") from pyod.models.inne import INNE if "INNE" in kwargs: clf = INNE(**kwargs["INNE"]) else: n_estimators = kwargs.get("n_estimators", 200) max_samples = kwargs.get("max_samples", "auto") contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) clf = INNE( n_estimators=n_estimators, max_samples=max_samples, contamination=contamination, random_state=random_state, ) case "FB": if DEBUG: print("In FB algorithm") from pyod.models.feature_bagging import FeatureBagging if "FB" in kwargs: clf = FeatureBagging(**kwargs["FB"]) else: n_estimators = kwargs.get("n_estimators", 10) contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) max_features = kwargs.get("max_features", 1.0) bootstrap_features = kwargs.get("bootstrap_features", False) check_detector = kwargs.get( "check_detector", True ) # was False when should be True check_estimator = kwargs.get("check_estimator", False) n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", 1) combination = kwargs.get("combination", "average") verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", 0) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) estimator_params = kwargs.get("estimator_params", None) base_estimator = kwargs.get("base_estimator", None) clf = FeatureBagging( base_estimator=base_estimator, n_estimators=n_estimators, contamination=contamination, max_features=max_features, bootstrap_features=bootstrap_features, check_detector=check_detector, check_estimator=check_estimator, n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, combination=combination, verbose=verbose, estimator_params=estimator_params, ) case "LODA": if DEBUG: print("In LODA algorithm") from pyod.models.loda import LODA if "LODA" in kwargs: clf = LODA(**kwargs["LODA"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) n_bins = kwargs.get("n_bins", 10) n_random_cuts = kwargs.get("n_random_cuts", 100) clf = LODA( contamination=contamination, n_bins=n_bins, n_random_cuts=n_random_cuts, ) case "SUOD": if DEBUG: print("In SUOD algorithm") from pyod.models.suod import SUOD if "SUOD" in kwargs: clf = SUOD(**kwargs["SUOD"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) combination = kwargs.get("combination", "average") rp_flag_global = kwargs.get("rp_flag_global", True) target_dim_frac = kwargs.get("target_dim_frac", 0.5) jl_method = kwargs.get("jl_method", "basic") bps_flag = kwargs.get("bps_flag", True) approx_flag_global = kwargs.get("approx_flag_global", True) verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", False) rp_ng_clf_list = kwargs.get("rp_ng_clf_list", None) rp_clf_list = kwargs.get("rp_clf_list", None) n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", None) cost_forecast_loc_pred = kwargs.get("cost_forecast_loc_pred", None) cost_forecast_loc_fit = kwargs.get("cost_forecast_loc_fit", None) base_estimators = kwargs.get("base_estimators", None) approx_ng_clf_list = kwargs.get("approx_ng_clf_list", None) approx_clf_list = kwargs.get("approx_clf_list", None) approx_clf = kwargs.get("approx_clf", None) if base_estimators is not None: base_estimators = OutlierDetector._init_base_detectors( base_estimators ) clf = SUOD( base_estimators=base_estimators, contamination=contamination, combination=combination, n_jobs=n_jobs, rp_clf_list=rp_clf_list, rp_ng_clf_list=rp_ng_clf_list, rp_flag_global=rp_flag_global, target_dim_frac=target_dim_frac, jl_method=jl_method, bps_flag=bps_flag, approx_clf_list=approx_clf_list, approx_ng_clf_list=approx_ng_clf_list, approx_flag_global=approx_flag_global, approx_clf=approx_clf, cost_forecast_loc_fit=cost_forecast_loc_fit, cost_forecast_loc_pred=cost_forecast_loc_pred, verbose=verbose, ) case "AE": if DEBUG: print("In AE algorithm") from pyod.models.auto_encoder import AutoEncoder from keras.losses import mean_squared_error if "AE" in kwargs: clf = AutoEncoder(**kwargs["AE"]) else: hidden_activation = kwargs.get("hidden_activation", "relu") output_activation = kwargs.get("output_activation", "sigmoid") loss = kwargs.get("loss", mean_squared_error) optimizer = kwargs.get("optimizer", "adam") epochs = kwargs.get("epochs", 100) batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 32) dropout_rate = kwargs.get("dropout_rate", 0.2) l2_regularizer = kwargs.get("l2_regularizer", 0.1) validation_size = kwargs.get("validation_size", 0.1) preprocessing = kwargs.get("preprocessing", True) verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", 1) contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) #hidden_neurons = kwargs.get("hidden_neurons", None) clf = AutoEncoder( #hidden_neurons=hidden_neurons, hidden_activation=hidden_activation, output_activation=output_activation, loss=loss, optimizer=optimizer, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, l2_regularizer=l2_regularizer, validation_size=validation_size, preprocessing=preprocessing, verbose=verbose, random_state=random_state, contamination=contamination, ) case "VAE": if DEBUG: print("In VAE algorithm") from pyod.models.vae import VAE from keras.losses import mean_squared_error as mse if "VAE" in kwargs: clf = VAE(**kwargs["VAE"]) else: latent_dim = kwargs.get("latent_dim", 2) hidden_activation = kwargs.get("hidden_activation", "relu") output_activation = kwargs.get("output_activation", "sigmoid") #loss = kwargs.get("loss", mse) # Assuming this will be replaced by the actual loss function later optimizer_name = kwargs.get("optimizer", "adam") epochs = kwargs.get("epochs", 100) batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 32) dropout_rate = kwargs.get("dropout_rate", 0.2) optimizer_params = kwargs.get("optimizer_params", {"weight_decay": 1e-5}) validation_size = kwargs.get("validation_size", 0.1) preprocessing = kwargs.get("preprocessing", True) verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", 1) contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) beta = kwargs.get("gamma", 1.0) # `gamma` appears to correspond to `beta` in VAE capacity = kwargs.get("capacity", 0.0) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", 42) # Default is 42 in VAE encoder_neurons = kwargs.get("encoder_neurons", [128, 64, 32]) decoder_neurons = kwargs.get("decoder_neurons", [32, 64, 128]) # Initialize the VAE model with adapted parameters clf = VAE( contamination=contamination, preprocessing=preprocessing, lr=kwargs.get("lr", 1e-3), epoch_num=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, optimizer_name=optimizer_name, random_state=random_state, use_compile=kwargs.get("use_compile", False), compile_mode=kwargs.get("compile_mode", "default"), verbose=verbose, optimizer_params=optimizer_params, beta=beta, capacity=capacity, encoder_neuron_list=encoder_neurons, decoder_neuron_list=decoder_neurons, latent_dim=latent_dim, hidden_activation_name=hidden_activation, output_activation_name=output_activation, batch_norm=kwargs.get("batch_norm", False), dropout_rate=dropout_rate ) case "ABOD": if DEBUG: print("In ABOD algorithm") from pyod.models.abod import ABOD if "ABOD" in kwargs: clf = ABOD(**kwargs["ABOD"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) n_neighbors = kwargs.get("n_neighbors", 5) method = kwargs.get("method", "fast") clf = ABOD( contamination=contamination, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, method=method ) case "SOGAAL": if DEBUG: print("In SOGAAL algorithm") from pyod.models.so_gaal import SO_GAAL if "SOGAAL" in kwargs: clf = SO_GAAL(**kwargs["SOGAAL"]) else: stop_epochs = kwargs.get("stop_epochs", 20) lr_d = kwargs.get("lr_d", 0.01) lr_g = kwargs.get("lr_g", 0.0001) decay = kwargs.get("decay", 1e-6) momentum = kwargs.get("momentum", 0.9) contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) clf = SO_GAAL( stop_epochs=stop_epochs, lr_d=lr_d, lr_g=lr_g, decay=decay, momentum=momentum, contamination=contamination, ) case "MOGAAL": if DEBUG: print("In MOGAAL algorithm") from pyod.models.mo_gaal import MO_GAAL if "MOGAAL" in kwargs: clf = MO_GAAL(**kwargs["MOGAAL"]) else: stop_epochs = kwargs.get("stop_epochs", 20) lr_d = kwargs.get("lr_d", 0.01) lr_g = kwargs.get("lr_g", 0.0001) decay = kwargs.get("decay", 1e-6) momentum = kwargs.get("momentum", 0.9) contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) clf = MO_GAAL( stop_epochs=stop_epochs, lr_d=lr_d, lr_g=lr_g, decay=decay, momentum=momentum, contamination=contamination, ) case "DeepSVDD": if DEBUG: print("In DeepSVDD algorithm") from pyod.models.deep_svdd import DeepSVDD if "DeepSVDD" in kwargs: clf = DeepSVDD(**kwargs["DeepSVDD"]) else: use_ae = kwargs.get("use_ae", False) hidden_activation = kwargs.get("hidden_activation", "relu") output_activation = kwargs.get("output_activation", "sigmoid") optimizer = kwargs.get("optimizer", "adam") epochs = kwargs.get("epochs", 100) batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 32) dropout_rate = kwargs.get("dropout_rate", 0.2) l2_regularizer = kwargs.get("l2_regularizer", 0.1) validation_size = kwargs.get("validation_size", 0.1) preprocessing = kwargs.get("preprocessing", True) verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", 1) contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) hidden_neurons = kwargs.get("hidden_neurons", None) c = kwargs.get("c", None) clf = DeepSVDD( c=c, use_ae=use_ae, hidden_neurons=hidden_neurons, hidden_activation=hidden_activation, output_activation=output_activation, optimizer=optimizer, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, l2_regularizer=l2_regularizer, validation_size=validation_size, preprocessing=preprocessing, verbose=verbose, random_state=random_state, contamination=contamination, ) case "AnoGAN": if DEBUG: print("In AnoGAN algorithm") from pyod.models.anogan import AnoGAN if "AnoGAN" in kwargs: clf = AnoGAN(**kwargs["AnoGAN"]) else: activation_hidden = kwargs.get("activation_hidden", "tanh") dropout_rate = kwargs.get("dropout_rate", 0.2) latent_dim_G = kwargs.get("latent_dim_G", 2) G_layers = kwargs.get("G_layers", [20, 10, 3, 10, 20]) verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", 0) D_layers = kwargs.get("D_layers", [20, 10, 5]) index_D_layer_for_recon_error = kwargs.get( "index_D_layer_for_recon_error", 1 ) epochs = kwargs.get("epochs", 500) preprocessing = kwargs.get("preprocessing", False) learning_rate = kwargs.get("learning_rate", 0.001) learning_rate_query = kwargs.get("learning_rate_query", 0.01) epochs_query = kwargs.get("epochs_query", 20) batch_size = kwargs.get("batch_size", 32) contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) output_activation = kwargs.get("output_activation", None) clf = AnoGAN( activation_hidden=activation_hidden, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, latent_dim_G=latent_dim_G, G_layers=G_layers, verbose=verbose, D_layers=D_layers, index_D_layer_for_recon_error=index_D_layer_for_recon_error, epochs=epochs, preprocessing=preprocessing, learning_rate=learning_rate, learning_rate_query=learning_rate_query, epochs_query=epochs_query, batch_size=batch_size, output_activation=output_activation, contamination=contamination, ) case "CD": if DEBUG: print("In CD algorithm") from import CD if "CD" in kwargs: clf = CD(**kwargs["CD"]) else: contamination = kwargs.get("contamination", 0.1) whitening = kwargs.get("whitening", True) rule_of_thumb = kwargs.get("rule_of_thumb", False) clf = CD( contamination=contamination, whitening=whitening, rule_of_thumb=rule_of_thumb, ) case "XGBOD": if DEBUG: print("In XGBOD algorithm") from pyod.models.xgbod import XGBOD if "XGBOD" in kwargs: clf = XGBOD(**kwargs["XGBOD"]) else: max_depth = kwargs.get("max_depth", 3) learning_rate = kwargs.get("learning_rate", 0.1) n_estimators = kwargs.get("n_estimators", 100) silent = kwargs.get("silent", True) objective = kwargs.get("objective", "binary:logistic") booster = kwargs.get("booster", "gbtree") n_jobs = kwargs.get("n_jobs", 1) gamma = kwargs.get("gamma", 0) min_child_weight = kwargs.get("min_child_weight", 1) max_delta_step = kwargs.get("max_delta_step", 0) subsample = kwargs.get("subsample", 1) colsample_bytree = kwargs.get("colsample_bytree", 1) colsample_bylevel = kwargs.get("colsample_bylevel", 1) reg_alpha = kwargs.get("reg_alpha", 0) reg_lambda = kwargs.get("reg_lambda", 1) scale_pos_weight = kwargs.get("scale_pos_weight", 1) base_score = kwargs.get("base_score", 0.5) standardization_flag_list = kwargs.get( "standardization_flag_list", None ) random_state = kwargs.get("random_state", None) nthread = kwargs.get("nthread", None) estimator_list = kwargs.get("estimator_list", None) clf = XGBOD( estimator_list=estimator_list, standardization_flag_list=standardization_flag_list, max_depth=max_depth, learning_rate=learning_rate, n_estimators=n_estimators, silent=silent, objective=objective, booster=booster, n_jobs=n_jobs, nthread=nthread, gamma=gamma, min_child_weight=min_child_weight, max_delta_step=max_delta_step, subsample=subsample, colsample_bytree=colsample_bytree, colsample_bylevel=colsample_bylevel, reg_alpha=reg_alpha, reg_lambda=reg_lambda, scale_pos_weight=scale_pos_weight, base_score=base_score, random_state=random_state, ) case _: raise ValueError("Algorithm not supported") #y_train_pred = clf.labels_ #y_train = clf.decision_scores_ #y_test = clf.predict(x_test) #y_test = clf.decision_function(x_test) ev = OutlierDetector.evaluate(labels, clf.labels_) print(f"accuracy for {pyod_algorithm}:", ev["acc_score"]*100) print("f1_score: ", round(ev["f1_score"] * 100, 2)) print("groundtruth_indices: ", ev["groundtruth_indices"]) print("pred_indices: ", ev["pred_indices"]) print("common outlier indices: ", np.intersect1d(ev["groundtruth_indices"], ev["pred_indices"])) # visualize the results """ visualize( pyod_algorithm, x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test, y_train_pred, y_train_pred, show_figure = False, save_figure = True )""" if return_decision_function: return clf.decision_scores_, clf.labels_, clf.decision_function return clf.decision_scores_, clf.labels_ @staticmethod def _init_base_detectors(base_detectors): """Initializes the base detectors Parameters ---------- base_detectors : list The base detectors to use **kwargs : dict The kwargs to pass to the base detectors Returns ------- base_detectors : list The initialized base detectors """ base_temp = [] for detector in base_detectors: if detector == "PCA": from pyod.models.pca import PCA base_temp.append(PCA()) continue return base_temp @staticmethod def evaluate(groundtruth, pred): """Evaluates the results of the outlier detection algorithm Parameters ---------- groundtruth : list The groundtruth labels pred : list The predicted labels Returns ------- evaluation : dict The evaluation metrics """ cm = sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix(groundtruth, pred) return { "groundtruth_indices": np.where(np.array(groundtruth) > 0), "pred_indices": np.where(np.array(pred) > 0), "roc_auc": sklearn.metrics.roc_auc_score(groundtruth, pred), "f1_score": sklearn.metrics.f1_score(groundtruth, pred), "acc_score": sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(groundtruth, pred), "jaccard_score": sklearn.metrics.jaccard_score(groundtruth, pred), "precision_score": sklearn.metrics.precision_score(groundtruth, pred), "average_precision": sklearn.metrics.average_precision_score( groundtruth, pred ), "recall_score": sklearn.metrics.recall_score(groundtruth, pred), "hamming_loss": sklearn.metrics.hamming_loss(groundtruth, pred), "log_loss": sklearn.metrics.log_loss(groundtruth, pred), "tn": cm[0, 0], "fp": cm[0, 1], "fn": cm[1, 0], "tp": cm[1, 1], } @staticmethod def accuracy(imgs, train_scores, bad_ids, number_bad, verbose=False, timing=False): """Calculates the accuracy of a pyod algorithm Parameters ---------- imgs : list The images to be analyzed train_scores : list, np.ndarray The anomaly scores of the training data bad_ids : str, list The path to a text file with a list of bad ids or a list of bad ids number_bad : int The number of bad images verbose : bool, optional (default=False) Whether to display the results timing : bool, optional (default=False) If True, the time to calculate the accuracy is returned Returns ------- accuracy : float The accuracy of the algorithm """ t0 = time.time() if isinstance(bad_ids, str): with open(bad_ids, "r") as f: bad_ids = elif not isinstance(bad_ids, list): raise ValueError("bad_ids must be a string or a list") img_list = [ SimpleNamespace(image=img, train_scores=train_scores[0][i]) for i, img in enumerate(imgs) ] # set the counter to 0 counter = 0 # loop through the first number_bad images in the list for i in range(number_bad): # get the SOPInstanceUID of the image uid = img_list[i].image.SOPInstanceUID # check if the uid is in the bad_ids list if uid in bad_ids: # if it is, increment the counter counter += 1 # calculate the accuracy as a decimal accuracy = counter / number_bad if verbose: print("Accuracy: {:.10f}".format(accuracy)) if timing: print(f"accuracy ...took: {time.time() - t0}s") return accuracy
Static methods
def accuracy(imgs, train_scores, bad_ids, number_bad, verbose=False, timing=False)
Calculates the accuracy of a pyod algorithm Parameters
- The images to be analyzed
:list, np.ndarray
- The anomaly scores of the training data
:str, list
- The path to a text file with a list of bad ids or a list of bad ids
- The number of bad images
, optional(default=False)
- Whether to display the results
, optional(default=False)
- If True, the time to calculate the accuracy is returned
- The accuracy of the algorithm
def evaluate(groundtruth, pred)
Evaluates the results of the outlier detection algorithm Parameters
- The groundtruth labels
The predicted labels Returns
The evaluation metrics